Tamoxifen Gives 15-Year Cancer Protection
Five-year tamoxifen treatment -- with or without chemotherapy -- cuts a woman's 15-year risk of -cancer death by about a third, long-term data show.
15 Tools to Help Speed Up Your Website
The speed at which a Website loads is paramount to maintaining a positive user experience and, as we learned last year, has a direct impact on the site's organic search rankings on Google. The search giant's recent beta ...
Sprint and LightSquared confirm agreement, 15 years worth of LTE ...
The rumors were true, but given the long, torrid affair between these two it shouldn't be a surprise. Sprint and LightSquared have confirmed their.
Former Mesa teacher gets 15 years for attempted molestation
Former Mesa teacher gets 15 years for attempted molestation, Police arrested former elementary school band teacher after student accused him of molesting her.
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