Justin Bieber Girlfriend Selena Gomez: Birthday Girl Pregnancy ...
Selena Gomez has a birthday today as the young star turns 19 on July 22. The girlfriend of Justin Bieber laughed off speculation that a hidden pregnancy.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez â€" Wedding Crashers - News71.com ...
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez crashed a wedding over the weekend. The couple were having a romantic dinner date at a restaurant on Malibu beach when.
Selena Gomez Will Celebrate 19th Birthday Without Boyfriend Justin ...
Selena Gomez is set to have a pretty boring 19th birthday without her boyfriend Justin Bieber on Friday (07-22-11). The singer-and-actress revealed.
Selena Gomez Stoked to Have Britney Spears Track on Album - News71 ...
Britney Spears mega-fan Selena Gomez is 'stoked' to have a track written by her idol on her new album. Spears co-wrote dance track Whiplash, which.
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