Battlefield 3 'probably' sping with online pass | Joystiq
The confusion regarding EA's plans for Battlefield 3's multiplayer access is palpable. GamerZines reports that Battlefield 3 Executive Producer Patrick Bach stated in an interview last week that the game would "probably" ...
Humble Indie Bundle 3 takes in a cool $1 mil in first week | Joystiq
Posted: Aug 2nd 2011 3:02PM PR0F3TA said. 2 hearts; Report. @xiLeShadow. Ubuntu is nice. I ditched it at 9.10 though for JoliCloud OS. It works better with my Pentium 4 old school community desktop ...
Apple iPad 3 to launch at current price points as iPad 2 is ...
Apple is expected by many to break from its typical cycle of releasing new mobile device models annually when it launches the iPad 3 ahead of the holiday.
Pre-order Battlefield 3 from Origin for beta access in Sept. | Joystiq
While other retailers will hand out early access to Battlefield 3 DLC, Origin's pre-order bonus for Battlefield 3 is early access to ... Battlefield 3. If you buy the PC version of the game through EA's new store -- on ...
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